
Create a personalized chatbot without the need for coding.


ZBrain.AI is a platform that allows users to create their own personalized ChatGPT app using their own data. Users can import data in any format, such as text or images, from various sources like documents, cloud storage, or APIs. Once the data is uploaded, ZBrain.AI launches a ChatGPT-like interface based on the user's preferred Large Language Model (LLM) such as GPT-4, FLAN, or GPT-NeoX. This interface can then answer user queries based on the imported data.

ZBrain.AI also offers a feature called ZBrain Flow, which enables users to create business logic without the need for coding. The intuitive flow interface allows users to connect multiple large language models, prompt templates, and image and video models with extraction and parsing tools. This empowers users to build powerful and intelligent applications. The drag-and-drop Flow interface simplifies the process of creating and modifying complex business logic.

Furthermore, ZBrain.AI includes a Risk Governance feature that enhances data safety. It achieves this by identifying and removing risky information and replacing it with synthetic data through prompt engineering. The tool addresses risks such as Financial Risk, Medical Risk, Privacy Risk, Safety Risk, Harmful Language Risk, IP/Code Risk, and Confidential Info Risk.

ZBrain.AI is optimized to cater to various departments in different industries. It can be utilized in automotive, customer support, cyber security, education, finance, healthcare, hospitality, insurance, legal, logistics, manufacturing, retail, SaaS, and supply chain sectors. The tool provides users with a comprehensive list of sample questions that can be asked to an LLM connected to a company's private data source. This helps optimize workflows and improve efficiency.