Writefull Academizer

Assists in transforming informal language into formal academic language.


Writefull's Academizer is an AI-powered tool that assists users in transforming their informal language into formal academic language. By simply entering a sentence and clicking 'Academize', users can obtain a formal version of the sentence. The Academizer is free to use and ensures the encryption of all text transmitted to and from Writefull's servers. Developed by Writefull's team of experts in AI/NLP and linguistics, this tool aims to facilitate the writing process of academic texts such as essays, papers, and theses. It is part of a suite of tools that also includes a Title Generator, Abstract Generator, and Paraphraser. The Academizer is user-friendly, secure, and accessible at no cost, making it an ideal choice for students, researchers, institutions, and publishers seeking a quick and accurate conversion of informal language into formal academic language.