
Remote employee monitoring and time tracking.


wAnywhere is a software that uses AI technology to monitor remote employees and track their desktop time. Its main goal is to ensure security and enhance productivity. The software offers a range of features including automatic time monitoring, tracking idle time, monitoring website and app usage, and tracking employee location. These features are designed to maximize productivity. The software also provides intuitive and comprehensive visualization and reporting at different levels within the organization. Managers have the ability to set actions when certain thresholds or boundaries are not met, such as blocking screens or sending notifications.

In addition to monitoring, wAnywhere also offers communication and collaboration capabilities. Users can interact with their team members through a secure video conferencing app and enterprise chat. The software allows for department-wise configuration, attachment, group creation, and the option to add custom branding for a cohesive company culture.

wAnywhere also provides a collection of productivity-enhancing apps, allowing employees to have all the tools they need on a single desktop. The software is continuously adding new apps and will soon allow access to popular external apps as well.

To keep employees engaged and motivated, wAnywhere offers gamification and wellness features. These features aim to increase engagement by promoting motivation and wellness among employees.

The software also emphasizes the various benefits it provides, including a secure location-agnostic workplace, flexibility in hybrid working, cost reduction in real estate, energy, and commuting, tracking and maximizing productivity, strengthening company culture, and providing data-driven insights through intuitive visualization and reporting.

Furthermore, wAnywhere places a strong emphasis on AI-based security and compliance to create a secure environment for companies that are considering hybrid working.