Wallet AI

Financial advice that is informed by intelligence-based insights.


Wallet.AI, a company based in San Francisco, specializes in creating intelligent engines that assist individuals in making better financial choices. By analyzing vast amounts of data, their AI tool offers location-specific financial advice to users, with a particular focus on enhancing customer analytics services for banks and capital markets in the realm of personal finance. Through the use of smart machines, Wallet.AI informs users about their financial behavior and suggests more favorable options for their day-to-day financial decisions. The company has garnered positive attention from reputable sources such as NPR, Wired, and Institutional Investor, receiving acclaim for their work. By providing users with the means to monitor and quantify their finances, Wallet.AI empowers them to make well-informed choices. Their intelligent engines automatically extract and process data to offer valuable insights to users. Interested individuals can visit the company's website, which features a request invite option to access their AI tool. Wallet.AI also welcomes developers and journalists to reach out for further information. In summary, Wallet.AI's AI technology serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their daily financial decision-making.