
Pre-trained models are utilized in the creation of customized pipelines.


Takomo.ai is a user-friendly AI builder that enables the creation of personalized artificial intelligence pipelines without the need for coding. With its drag-and-drop interface, users can easily connect pre-trained Machine Learning models and generate APIs for their pipelines within minutes. The platform offers a wide range of AI models, including GPT, Whisper, Blip-2, Instruct Pix2Pix, ControlNet Canny, Real-ESRGAN, and GFPGAN, which can be combined with the visual builder to create unique AI applications. Users have the flexibility to build pipelines using pre-trained models or upload their own custom model weights. Takomo ensures scalability and affordability by running APIs on ISO certified cloud infrastructure, thereby minimizing costs. The tool can be utilized in various scenarios such as image and video generation, audio analysis, text summarization and classification, chatbot optimization, and more. It caters to both expert developers and entrepreneurs, offering expert support from ML engineers to assist users in achieving their objectives. Takomo's website provides tutorials and tips to facilitate a quick start for users. The tool can be tried for free, and users also have the opportunity to join a growing community of experts to share knowledge. Additionally, users can subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated on the latest developments. Overall, Takomo.ai is a highly efficient and effective tool for building customized AI applications without requiring extensive programming knowledge.