
Customer support on websites is now automated.


Suportal is a customer support tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to provide automated customer service on websites. By using ChatGPT, the Suportal chatbot can assist users in finding answers to their inquiries without the need for human involvement, ultimately saving valuable time for customer support teams. One of the key advantages of Suportal is that it does not require any training, as it can quickly gather information about a company's products and services by scanning all the links on their website. Additionally, Suportal is completely free to use and does not require any credit card information or API key. It also allows for unlimited chats and websites. To incorporate the Suportal widget onto a website, users simply need to enter their website and save the changes. Within approximately 10 minutes, Suportal will retrieve all the links from the website, and users can then choose which support documentation links they want to train the chatbot with. This tool also offers a tailored solution for enterprise businesses. Overall, Suportal is a user-friendly and cost-effective option for businesses seeking to streamline their customer service operations. By automating the customer support process, Suportal can enhance user engagement and satisfaction while significantly reducing response times. The integration of ChatGPT ensures that businesses can rely on high-quality AI-powered support for their customers.