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Stable Animation

Animations that have been created using prompts, images, or videos.


Stability AI has released the Stable Animation SDK, an advanced tool for artists and developers that converts text into stunning animations. This tool utilizes Stable Diffusion models to generate high-quality animations. Users have three options for creating animations: text prompts, source images, or source videos. They can take full advantage of all the Stable Diffusion models, including Stable Diffusion 2.0 and Stable Diffusion XL. With the text-to-animation feature, users can input text prompts and adjust various parameters to achieve their desired animation. Alternatively, users can start with an image or video and use the text prompt in conjunction with it to create the final animation. The tool is highly flexible, allowing users to control different parameters and create customized animations. The Stable Animation SDK is accessible through an API on the developer platform. It is a powerful tool that enables anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to create high-quality animations quickly and easily.