Spread AI

Image generation with customizable options and guided manipulation.


SpreadAI is a cutting-edge tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate stunning visuals effortlessly. By leveraging the power of the open-source project InvokeAI and implementing stable diffusion, SpreadAI can produce professional images in a matter of minutes, saving users valuable time compared to traditional methods that take hours. This cloud-based tool can be accessed conveniently through a web browser, eliminating the need for software installation or expensive GPUs. The user interface is both speedy and robust, offering customizable tools and a unified canvas to streamline the image generation process. Moreover, SpreadAI provides a bounding-box guided image generation feature for easy manipulation and a staging area for quick review and image selection. With just one click, users can tap into their creative potential and generate AI-powered images. Gain Beta Access now by visiting https://ede0aj9xmaj.typeform.com/to/OxP1MxTS.