Home Data tools Skills AI Chat

Skills AI Chat

Using data analytics and chat to empower teams.


Skills.ai has developed an AI co-pilot tool called DataChat, specifically designed for data scientists. This tool aims to significantly enhance the data analytics process by allowing users to interact with their data as if they were conversing with a skilled data analyst. DataChat is equipped with an intelligent engine that can quickly answer analytics questions and provide real-time insights. Users can ask a wide range of business-related queries, as long as the necessary data is included in the uploaded dataset. Additionally, the tool offers a chart creation feature that can instantly generate charts based on user requests. The goal of DataChat is to make data-driven decision-making accessible to the entire team. Users can simply upload their datasets in a .csv file and share the unique link with their team. DataChat ensures the security and confidentiality of data by encrypting and securely storing it on Amazon Web Services. Skills.ai also offers other AI resources, such as an AI posture monitoring tool, AI mock interview, AI resume optimizer, and a Learn SQL program. The pricing for DataChat is based on a monthly subscription, allowing users to quickly perform analytics without requiring coding expertise. In summary, Skills.ai's DataChat tool provides data scientists with an easy and efficient way to empower their teams with the necessary data, while also offering faster analytics and simplified chart creation for streamlined data analysis.