
Organizing and discovering private knowledge with ease.


Semafind is a knowledge management tool that utilizes AI to help users effectively organize and uncover their personal knowledge. By creating a knowledge base through the use of short factual sentences called knotes, users can store information and expand upon it with additional descriptions and attachments such as documents, images, and videos. With full markdown support, formatting and styling text is made simple for users. The tool incorporates advanced natural language understanding, allowing users to interact with their knowledge through questions rather than relying on traditional keyword searches. By utilizing natural language models, Semafind indexes knowledge bases and retrieves answers based on their meaning. Additionally, Semafind offers semantic exploration, enabling users to discover and navigate through unknown and related knowledge clusters that share semantic similarities. Through visualizing relevant information as nodes in a graph, the tool facilitates easy exploration and the extraction of insights from hidden connections within the knowledge base. Users have the ability to share their knowledge base with colleagues, invite collaborators to contribute, and restore up to 30 days of knowledge history. Semafind provides a free account option for personal knowledge management, as well as two paid subscription plans tailored for companies and teams.