
Automated sales and support are provided through a live chat feature.


Seashore.AI is a live chat tool powered by AI that provides fully automated chatbots for sales and customer support. These chatbots are designed to mimic human conversation, creating a more satisfying customer experience. The tool also includes intuitive analytics that offer valuable insights into customer behavior and pain points. By using this feature, businesses can streamline their sales and support processes, resulting in a significant return on investment. Additionally, the tool allows companies of any size to reduce costs by automating their customer service and sales processes. The pricing model is based on pay-per-usage, allowing companies to scale according to their budget and only pay for the number of conversations their chatbot has. To give users a chance to try out the features, the tool offers a free trial before committing to a paid subscription. Incorporating live chats into websites has been shown to increase revenue by 67% and reduce churn by 53% by reducing bounce rate and engaging visitors. Setting up the tool is quick and easy, and the AI chatbots provide personalized communication to customers.