Runway Gen-2

Generates videos in various styles and with different prompts.


Runway's Gen-2 is an advanced AI system that can generate unique videos using different inputs like text, images, or video clips. This powerful tool can create videos by applying the style and composition of an image or text prompt to an existing video or even generate videos solely based on textual prompts. The videos produced by Gen-2 are of exceptional quality and consistency, giving the impression that they were filmed without actually needing any physical filming. Gen-2 offers eight different modes for video generation, each serving a specific purpose. Mode 1, "Text to Video," allows for video synthesis in any desired style using a text prompt. Mode 2, "Text+Image to Video," combines both an image and a text prompt to generate videos. Mode 3 generates videos using only a driving image, while Mode 4 transfers the style of an image or prompt to every frame of a video. Mode 5, "Storyboard," transforms mockups into fully stylized and animated renders. Mode 6, "Mask," isolates subjects in a video and modifies them using simple text prompts. Mode 7, "Render," enhances untextured renders by producing realistic outputs with the help of an input image or prompt. Lastly, Mode 8, "Customization," allows users to customize the model for even more accurate and superior results. Gen-2 surpasses existing methods for image-to-image and video-to-video translation, making it an invaluable tool for various industries, particularly those involved in video production and creative pursuits.