Roll Art Die

Generate one-of-a-kind artworks by entering text.


RollArtDie is an AI tool that enables users to create artworks using text alone. It operates locally and securely on Apple Silicon devices, eliminating the need for a cloud subscription or an active internet connection. Leveraging the reliable diffusion public AI, its primary objective is to empower both new and established artists in producing AI-generated artworks, much like how Photoshop has become a staple tool for digital art. The generation process typically takes a few minutes for a simple image on an M1 MacBook Air, and around 20 seconds on a Mac Studio with default settings. The tool does not gather any data related to prompts, image descriptions, or generated artworks. During the initial launch week, users can freely download the app from the Apple App Store. Currently, it is exclusively available on Apple Silicon MacBooks, but there is a possibility of future releases for Intel MacBooks and Windows devices if the app gains sufficient popularity.