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Automation of report card generation for teachers.


Report Card Comments is an AI writing assistant specifically designed to simplify the report card writing process for teachers. It efficiently generates personalized comments of excellent quality, while also saving teachers valuable time and effort. This tool ensures that the comments produced are free from any grammar, spelling, gender, or pronoun errors. Additionally, it ensures that the comments are of the appropriate character count required for school board reporting software.

To utilize Report Card Comments, teachers can simply upload a spreadsheet containing the students' first names and grades. They can then select the curriculum expectations that were covered during the reporting term. The AI assistant comprehends the qualifier table and descriptive words associated with each comment level, and it generates an initial draft using advanced language models that are aligned with the Ontario curriculum. For other provinces and US states, the curriculum expectations can be easily copied and pasted into the text box.

The tool also offers useful features such as 'rephrase', 'max character count', and the ability to export comments into a file for convenience. Report Card Comments has been developed by teachers, for teachers, with the goal of streamlining the report card writing process and alleviating the stress and anxiety associated with producing error-free, high-quality reports. Its purpose is to enable teachers to focus on the crucial aspects of the comment, thereby creating a benchmark of excellence for their initial draft.