
Animations that are royalty-free and based on artwork.


Pollinations is an AI-powered platform that enables the creation of media. One of the tools available on the platform is Stable Diffusion Animation, which allows users to generate customized and royalty-free audio, images, 3D objects, and soon, fully immersive 3D environments. This tool can easily be integrated into any website or community and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the user. It has the capability to create animations inspired by renowned artists like Magritte, Dalí, and Munch. Users have the ability to customize the animation by adjusting various parameters such as 'Prompt Scale', 'Number of Frames per Prompt', 'Random Seed', 'Diffusion Steps', 'Width', 'Height', and 'Init Image Strength'. The 'Prompt Scale' determines the influence of the prompt on the animation's generation, while the 'Number of Frames per Prompt' is limited to a maximum of 15. The 'Random Seed' generates different images, and the 'Diffusion Steps' determines the number of diffusion steps used in creating the animation. The generated image's 'Width' and 'Height' are limited to 512x512 as the model was trained on this size. The 'Init Image Strength' parameter determines the strength of the input image in the animation. Powered by Stability.AI, users can reach out to the Pollinations team for any questions or inquiries.