
A search engine designed specifically for retrieving documents through a question and answer format.


Pigro by OpenAI is an AI tool that enhances the ChatGPT retrieval plugin by providing more intelligent answers. It also offers advanced document indexing services. The tool uses an AI-based text chunking service to divide content in a way that mimics human understanding. It takes into account the visual elements of the document, such as pagination, headings, tables, lists, and images, as well as the meaning of the text. The API supports various document formats, including Office-like documents, PDF, HTML, and plaintext in multiple languages. It ensures high accuracy with its generative indexing capabilities. With Pigro, users can find precise and straightforward answers within their organization's knowledge bases. The generative AI expands each content by generating all possible questions that can be answered from the document. The search feature considers keywords, semantics, document titles, bodies, and generated questions to deliver the most relevant text snippets that answer the query. This approach, combined with effective text chunking techniques, results in a 10% higher accuracy compared to other available solutions. In the near future, Pigro will introduce search result filtering with file and resource access permissions. Users will also have the option to use their own ChatGPT retrieval plugin. Pigro is compatible with OpenAI and is an excellent tool for enhancing document indexing services and search capabilities.