
The output is the innovative development of neural networks.


Phygital+ is an advanced AI tool that allows creators to work with neural networks without the need for coding. Currently in the Alpha development stage, it is not yet available for public use. This tool operates on a node system, enabling users to create and manipulate neural networks through a visual interface. It offers a user-friendly workflow, allowing users to easily build and modify neural networks without any coding knowledge. This simplifies the experimentation process for creators and allows them to obtain desired results quickly. Phygital+ also provides robust tools for optimizing and refining neural networks, including automated processes like hyperparameter optimization. Additionally, it offers visualization tools to enhance users' understanding of their neural networks. In summary, Phygital+ is a powerful AI tool that eliminates the need for coding when working with neural networks. It offers an intuitive node-based workflow and automated processes to efficiently build, optimize, and refine neural networks. Despite being in the Alpha stage, it is already a valuable tool for creators to achieve their desired outcomes promptly.