Home Q&A services PersonalAI


Personal knowledge assistant for productivity.


The Personal AI technology is a groundbreaking innovation that enables users to create a virtual version of themselves to enhance their cognitive abilities. Its primary purpose is to assist users in saving time, boosting productivity, and effortlessly retrieving memories and ideas. By utilizing a messaging-based platform, users can ask their AI for information and receive prompt responses. The Personal AI system is built on a highly secure and encrypted blockchain technology, guaranteeing the utmost safety and privacy of users' data. Additionally, it offers customization options, allowing users to train the AI according to their preferences and habits, resulting in a more personalized experience. With its advanced AI-powered knowledge engine, users can effortlessly capture, organize, and search their knowledge, and even generate drafts and highlights from articles they have read. Personal AI is the perfect tool for individuals seeking to amplify their business impact, streamline their thought processes, or simply delegate tasks to their AI assistant in order to save time.