
Customized digital assistants for businesses without code.

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Pathway.AI is a digital assistant creation tool that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to allow businesses to create their own customized digital assistants without the need for coding skills. This platform offers a range of features that have the potential to transform how businesses operate and interact with customers. By simply uploading text files, users can gain valuable insights using an advanced AI-powered language model. Additionally, Pathway.AI ensures a user-friendly experience for customers who engage with these digital assistants. The tool is highly customizable, making it ideal for businesses seeking personalized digital assistant solutions. The process of utilizing this platform involves three simple steps: dragging and dropping data, fine-tuning the model, and interacting with the digital assistant. Although the tool is still in development and currently only accepts '.txt' files, it does provide a free interactive live demo for users to experience the capabilities of AI-powered digital assistants. It is important to note that session data is stored for 500 seconds, after which users will need to re-upload their files. Overall, Pathway.AI is a valuable tool for businesses in search of customizable digital assistant solutions, even if they lack technical expertise.