
Website building for non-tech users.


Paige is an AI-powered platform that enables users to effortlessly create personalized websites for their businesses. It eliminates the need for technical skills, design expertise, or copywriting abilities. With Paige, users can generate flawless websites within seconds, without requiring any expert knowledge.

Creating a website with Paige is a straightforward process. Users simply need to describe their desired website in their own words, without any technical specifications or prototypes. The AI then constructs the website, complete with professional copywriting, design, and graphics.

Paige offers a range of features that make website building effortless. It quickly generates pages based on a brief overview of the user's business. Users can easily edit text and replace generated images with their own. The AI assistant allows for complete customization, enabling users to modify elements, blocks, and color schemes. Paige also incorporates best SEO practices to optimize website content for search engines and ensures fast loading across all devices.

The AI-generated websites created by Paige are on par with handcrafted ones and benefit from continuous optimization for superior conversion rates. Users can rely on Paige's reliable hosting services, which are provided free of charge.

Overall, Paige simplifies the website creation process, making it accessible to non-technical business owners. It saves time and effort while still delivering professional and visually appealing results.