
Assisted in content outlining and provided style suggestions.


Moonbeam is a writing assistant powered by AI that assists users in quickly and effortlessly generating content. Its main purpose is to aid in the creation of essays, stories, articles, blogs, and other forms of long-form content. The tool includes a Wizard feature that allows users to transform their disorganized notes into a well-structured outline, which can then be automatically converted into perfectly written paragraphs. Additionally, it offers a Custom Style Generator that enables users to write in the distinctive styles of famous authors, comedians, and politicians. Users can also utilize the "Luna AI" feature by simply providing a single phrase. Furthermore, Moonbeam provides a wide range of templates for various types of content, including Technical Guides, Product Updates, Help Desk Articles, How-to Guides, Essays, Blogs, Twitter Threads, Newsletters, Lesson Plans, Discussion Posts, and Personal Stories. By upgrading to Moonbeam Pro, users gain access to even more features, such as unlimited long-form writing, unlimited social media posts, unlimited Luna AI access, and access to all templates. To ensure customer satisfaction, Moonbeam offers a 100% money-back guarantee.