
Enhance the level of software security by conducting thorough code reviews.


Metabob is an AI tool that utilizes generative AI and graph-attention networks to enhance code review and enhance software security. It has the ability to identify, explain, and resolve coding issues caused by both humans and AI. Unlike traditional static code analysis tools, Metabob can detect and categorize numerous contextual code problems. This is made possible by its training on millions of bug fixes executed by experienced developers, enabling it to understand the underlying causes of context-based problems. Metabob offers context-sensitive code recommendations for bugs and code smells, enforces code quality and best practices through refactoring suggestions, and provides insights into project metrics and team productivity. Furthermore, the tool can be customized and deployed on-premises to address the specific needs of a team. By replacing multiple traditional static code analysis tools, such as SonarQube and Code Climate, Metabob streamlines the development process and improves software security by integrating with security gateways to prevent known vulnerabilities. It complies with industry standards like SANS/CWE top 25, OWASP top 10, and MITRE CWE. Metabob surpasses the capabilities of traditional tools like Sonarqube and linters, resulting in increased developer productivity and early detection of critical errors. It excels in identifying and understanding the root causes of software bugs and security vulnerabilities, providing actionable metrics for development productivity and code quality.