
An assistant that optimizes schedules on an individual basis.


LearnPlan is an AI-powered tool that assists users in planning and monitoring their learning objectives. With this tool, users can establish their learning goals, specify their daily time commitment, and determine the total duration they desire for completing their chosen course. Once the preferences are submitted, LearnPlan generates a personalized learning plan that includes the estimated study time for each section. The tool is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, offering a variety of time units to choose from and allowing users to select the number of hours they can dedicate to studying each day. Additionally, there is a section where users can indicate the purpose behind their learning, whether it be personal growth, hobby, interest, or profession. Developed by Rolo using Streamlit, an open-source platform for creating web applications with Python, LearnPlan utilizes a combination of machine learning algorithms, data processing, and artificial intelligence to deliver a tailored and optimized learning routine. Overall, LearnPlan is a practical and valuable AI tool suitable for individuals of all ages and backgrounds who wish to enhance their learning experience and maximize productivity.