Provided conversational support to assist product users.


Alltius is a platform powered by artificial intelligence that offers conversational assistance within software products. Its main purpose is to assist and guide users throughout their product journeys. The platform provides a Slack assistant that can answer any question, as well as a low code help widget with KNO. KNO includes an in-product guide, a companion, and an enterprise documentation search. The AI is trained on OpenAI's GPT3 model, which contains a vast amount of information totaling 800GB. Users also have the ability to prioritize knowledge from specific sources. Additionally, KNO ensures user privacy by securely storing the questions asked. The platform is free to use and can be easily installed on Slack in just three steps. It has experienced a 50% month-on-month growth in users and boasts an impressive 86%+ returning user rate, with each user asking at least one query. Customers have responded positively to Alltius, and it has the potential to surpass even Google and become the next big thing in its field. Furthermore, users have the option to train the AI on specific topics and can test its capabilities at their discretion. Alltius is developed by a team of skilled engineers, data scientists, and designers.