Kiwi Video

Video learning with summary and quiz features.


Kiwi is an AI-powered tool that enhances the learning experience from videos by allowing users to ask questions, receive summaries, and quiz themselves on the content. It is compatible with various types of video content, including TEDx Talks and educational videos on engineering and science. By analyzing the video's content through natural language processing, Kiwi generates a summary and creates quiz questions. Users can interact with Kiwi through a user-friendly interface, either by typing in questions or using buttons to access summaries or quizzes. This AI-driven approach to learning from videos is particularly beneficial for students and individuals seeking to expand their knowledge in a specific subject. Kiwi's ability to provide summaries and quizzes saves time and improves retention of the material. With its interactive interface, users can easily engage with Kiwi and maximize their learning experience.