Jungle AI

Prediction of machine health and performance being monitored.


Jungle has developed Canopy, an asset management software powered by AI. This software utilizes historical data to make predictions about component failure and identify underperformance. By doing so, it helps companies improve their production efficiency and prevent unplanned downtime. Canopy's machine learning models are unique in that they are trained without labeled data, allowing them to learn what normal behavior looks like without the need for annotated failures. The software continuously monitors machine health, tracks performance in real-time, and sends dynamic and contextual alarms to detect abnormalities in any operating condition. This approach makes the alarms more meaningful and reduces unnecessary notifications. Canopy is versatile and can be used in various industries, including manufacturing, wind power, and solar energy. It offers advanced visualizations and tools that allow companies to investigate developing issues at different levels, from sensor data to higher-level alarms. The software also enables users to collaborate and work together by providing a centralized platform to view and analyze data from multiple perspectives. Canopy is easy to deploy remotely, without the need for hardware installation, ensuring fast product deployment. Additionally, it offers user-friendly interactivity tailored to the client's needs, making it an intuitive software to use. Canopy has gained the trust of customers worldwide and has been developed based on extensive customer feedback.