Execution of Python code on ChatGPT through a Chrome extension.


JPT is a Chrome extension that enables users to directly execute Python code within ChatGPT, eliminating the need for copying and pasting code. It allows users to harness the full capabilities of the Python ecosystem, including popular libraries like numpy, scipy, and matplotlib. The tool utilizes Pyodide, a Python interpreter based on WebAssembly (WASM), ensuring that code execution takes place entirely within the browser. Only the user and OpenAI have access to view the code. However, the extension still has some bugs and requires further development to deliver a complete Jupyter Notebook experience in ChatGPT.

To utilize JPT, users can request ChatGPT to write a hello world program in Python and then click the "Run" button. The initial run may take some time, but subsequent runs should be faster. Users can modify Python code by clicking the "Edit" button, which is not saved but available for immediate use. Additionally, users can import Python packages using micropip, for example, `micropip.install("scipy")`. JPT allows users to execute Python code, edit it, view output from stdout, and visualize plots from matplotlib. However, the extension may freeze if an infinite loop occurs, necessitating a restart. User input is not supported at present, but the developers plan to incorporate this feature in the future, along with support for local filesystems, exporting chats as notebooks, and reducing the extension's size.