
Automated research and writing for product management.


Jottery is an AI-powered tool specifically designed to assist product managers in improving their writing and research abilities, ultimately leading to increased productivity and efficiency. This tool focuses on providing six key benefits that are tailored to meet the specific needs of product managers. These benefits include the ability to create compelling written content, conduct enhanced research, utilize time-saving templates, communicate persuasively, excel in their role, and ultimately boost overall productivity. By utilizing Jottery, product managers can significantly increase their writing speed by ten times and conduct smarter research, resulting in better-informed product decisions. Jottery offers a wide range of over 50 pre-designed templates for common product management documents, ensuring consistency in writing and saving valuable time. This feature allows product managers to allocate more time to strategic tasks rather than spending excessive amounts of time on writing and research. The AI-powered writing assistant in Jottery utilizes GPT-3.5/4 to assist in crafting precise and impactful documents, including product descriptions, user stories, pitches, and meeting notes. With Jottery, product managers can effortlessly create persuasive pitches, detailed user stories, and impactful internal communications. The effectiveness and time-saving capabilities of Jottery have been attested to by top product managers who have utilized the tool. Signing up for Jottery is a simple process, and users have the flexibility to choose a plan that best suits their individual needs. Overall, Jottery is an exceptional AI tool that empowers product managers to enhance their writing and research skills, allowing them to allocate more time to strategic decision-making and ultimately advance in their careers.