Home Data tools InsightJini


Easy-to-use data analysis and visualization tools designed for individuals without expertise in the field.


InsightJini is an AI-powered tool that enables users to easily analyze and visualize their data without any programming knowledge. By simply uploading Excel or CSV files, users can review their data and explore charts and insights through a user-friendly interface. This tool aims to bridge the gap between time-consuming traditional data analysis methods and code-based alternatives that require specialized programming skills. With the integration of ChatGPT, users can have interactive and conversational interactions with their data, enhancing the exploration process. InsightJini can handle files up to 100MB and securely stores data for 24 hours before deletion. Currently, there is no API available for the tool. The cost of using InsightJini depends on the number of task credits required for file uploads and the AI words consumed during chat interactions. With its intuitive interface and automated data processing, InsightJini allows users to focus on understanding and exploring their data rather than dealing with technical complexities. Overall, InsightJini is an efficient and user-friendly tool for gaining insights and visualizations from data without the need for extensive coding or manual effort.