
Personalized health guidance and mentoring.


Hoku is an AI-powered health assistant that offers personalized health recommendations and support on-the-go. Currently, it is only available as a private alpha app, which users can access for free. Hoku's features include generating meal plans, suggesting workout routines, and providing instant health advice based on the user's health profile. Users can also create custom health plans according to their specific health goals. Additionally, Hoku offers coaching and motivation with various tone options for users to choose from. It integrates with Apple Health, Android Health Connect, and other services to provide a centralized view of the user's health data and offer intelligent insights. Hoku ensures the privacy and security of user data, promising not to sell it to third parties. Alpha-test users are invited to join the app before its public launch in June 2023. In summary, Hoku is an AI health coach that prioritizes the user's needs and simplifies the process of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.