
Monitor website uptime, performance, and issues.


Hexometer is an artificial intelligence assistant that operates around the clock to safeguard and enhance eCommerce businesses. It accomplishes this by constantly monitoring websites and essential services for various factors such as uptime, performance, user experience, broken pages, errors, SEO, and configuration issues. Whenever any issues are detected, Hexometer promptly sends notifications via email, SMS, Slack, Telegram, and Trello. The best part is that Hexometer operates in the cloud, eliminating the need for software installation or code modifications. Additionally, it caters to agencies by offering multi-client agency dashboards, scalability, and the ability to customize SEO and performance audits. With standard monitors, users can keep track of any URL's uptime and HTTP response time, while advanced monitors allow for the deployment of keyword, page speed performance, or transaction monitors. Hexometer also provides UX monitoring, which identifies spelling and grammar mistakes, visual bugs, and mobile-friendliness issues on pages. Furthermore, it offers performance monitoring, which assesses page load speed and provides actionable insights to resolve performance-related problems. Lastly, Hexometer includes health monitoring, which checks for broken links, server errors, JS errors, missing images, and more. With a track record of trust from over 20,000 businesses, Hexometer is compatible with more than 100 platforms.