
Generate synthetic data for private testing purposes.

OVERVIEW is an AI tool that enables users to incorporate generative AI into their data by generating synthetic data that is equal to or better than the existing data. With Gretel's APIs, users can fine-tune custom AI models, generate unlimited synthesized datasets, perform privacy-preserving transformations on sensitive data, and identify personally identifiable information (PII) using advanced NLP detection. By using Gretel's APIs, users can easily generate anonymized and secure synthetic data, allowing for faster innovation while preserving privacy. The platform includes Synthetics, Transform, and Classify APIs, providing users with a comprehensive set of tools to create safe data. Users can train generative AI models that learn the statistical properties of their data, validate their models and use cases with quality and privacy scores, and generate as much data as needed, when needed. Additionally, Gretel offers various resources such as documentation, tutorials, GitHub projects, and open-source SDKs for developers. Users can also keep their data contained by running Gretel containers in their own environment or scaling out workloads to the cloud using Gretel Cloud runners. Overall, is a powerful AI tool that generates synthetic data, enabling users to unlock innovation and achieve more with secure access to the right data.