
Generating and distributing interactive applications for machine learning.


Gradio is a user-friendly and powerful tool that allows developers to easily and quickly create and distribute machine learning (ML) apps. It provides a user-friendly web interface that enables users to interact with ML models from any device, making it simple to showcase models to colleagues and the public. Installing Gradio is a breeze, requiring just a few lines of code to set up an interface for a function. Additionally, it supports permanent hosting on Hugging Face Spaces, allowing users to easily share their apps with others. Gradio is versatile and can be used for various tasks such as sketch recognition, question answering, image segmentation, and time series forecasting. It can be seamlessly integrated into Python notebooks or presented as a webpage, and it has been widely adopted by developers to create ML apps for a range of applications. Notably, it has been utilized in projects like video-related deep learning, text-to-speech demonstrations, real-time AI trials, and dinosaur classification.