Plagiarism detection services catered to educational institutions.
GPTZero is an AI detection tool that is specifically designed for educators and individuals who want to identify AI-generated texts. With a user base of over a million, this tool has gained recognition from major news outlets such as CNN, BBC, and The New York Times. One of its key features is the plagiarism score, which provides a comprehensive assessment of the amount of AI-generated content in a document. Additionally, GPTZero highlights individual sentences that are generated by AI, making it effortless for users to identify them. The tool also supports batch uploads, enabling educators to conveniently check the work of an entire classroom. Moreover, the GPTZero API allows organizations to seamlessly integrate the tool into their systems. The API is user-friendly, and the company offers integration support to customize endpoints according to clients' requirements. Users can easily access the API's documentation through the website. GPTZero has proven to be a reliable tool for detecting AI-generated text and has been widely adopted by educational institutions worldwide, including NYU and Purdue. The GPTZero team is dedicated to enhancing the tool for educators and collaborates with organizations like K16 Solutions and Canvas to ensure regular updates and improvements.