Home SEO Tools GetBotz


Automated creation and publishing of SEO blog content.


GetBotz is an AI tool that uses GPT-3.5 technology and data from GetKeywords.io to automate the creation and publishing of SEO-optimized articles on a blog. It generates more than 30 articles per month, customized to the user's preferred content and niche. The tool ensures readability and SEO optimization, including meta tags and alt tags, and submits the articles for indexing on Google using Google APIs. With just three simple steps, users can provide basic blog details, connect their Wordpress website, and let GetBotz handle regular posting. By continuously monitoring the user's Google ranking and adjusting future articles accordingly, GetBotz ensures the content remains relevant and effective. Over the past three months, GetBotz has published over 4000 blog articles, with 800+ of them ranking on Google SERP. It has successfully helped more than 60 blogs automate their publishing process effortlessly. Additionally, GetBotz addresses common blogging challenges such as time commitment and financial burden by eliminating the need for content agencies or management providers. It promises to increase blog traffic without relying on ads or repetitive tasks, allowing businesses to scale while automating their blogging efforts.