The output includes 3D assets, levels, gameplay elements, and text prompts.


G3D.AI {Jedi} is a collection of AI-powered tools created to enhance game development and eliminate the need for manual tasks. This powerful toolset empowers game developers to effortlessly and swiftly create unique and visually stunning games. The suite encompasses various features such as 3D asset creation, level design, and gameplay mechanics generation, all of which can be customized to suit the user's preferences. Additionally, it offers the exciting capability to generate innovative outcomes based on text prompts, allowing users to unleash their creativity. G3D.AI {Jedi} is specifically optimized for gaming and the metaverse, making it suitable for any game genre and environment. Moreover, it boasts a thriving community of users accessible through Discord or the waitlist, ensuring users are always informed about the latest advancements. The beta access for G3DAI2022 will be available soon, granting users the opportunity to bring their game ideas to life using their imagination.