Fast search engine for general summaries.


FastGPT, developed by Kagi, is an AI-powered tool designed to answer a specific question: what is the fastest AI answering engine that can run a full search engine underneath? It is a proof of concept that prioritizes processing speed and can provide answers in as little as ~900ms. The main goal of FastGPT is to offer users a general summary of a topic from the web, rather than focusing on maximum accuracy that would require more time. To address the limitations of slow usage and lack of current event information in large language models, FastGPT incorporates a full search engine in its processing. This allows it to deliver faster and more accurate results. While FastGPT is not intended for in-depth or highly accurate information, it serves as a valuable tool for obtaining a quick overview or general understanding of a particular topic. Its optimization for speed makes it a valuable addition to any AI toolkit.