
Customized chatbot designed specifically for answering questions about content.


DocsBot AI is a service that manages chatbots and generates content based on your documentation. It offers an easy-to-use interface to organize your documentation and other content, and then allows you to integrate your custom DocsBot into various platforms such as websites, WordPress, apps/plugins, and Slack. By training the bots with your content and documentation, they can quickly answer frequently asked questions from your customers. DocsBot offers different plans to suit your business needs, including question/answer bots, embeddable widgets, custom copywriting, auto-reply to support tickets, internal knowledge bots, and a powerful API. It also supports various file formats for uploading, training on blog content, and creating bots based on YouTube transcripts. DocsBot AI is designed to save time, enhance customer support, improve team productivity, and provide AI copywriting tailored to your business. It is a reliable and efficient solution suitable for businesses of all sizes.