
This platform makes it easy to create sustainable apps.


Dify is a platform called LLMOps (Language Model Operations) that makes it easy for users to create sustainable and AI-native applications. It supports various models, including the GPT family, and is suitable for teams developing AI applications for internal or external use. The platform offers a user-friendly graphical interface for developing, deploying, improving, and operating AI-powered apps. Dify provides a range of text-based tools for tasks like converting natural language to SQL, generating creative scripts, developing chatbots, and answering tricky questions. It also offers an API interface for integrating APIs and long-context, with visual composition features for smooth model access, context embedding, cost control, and data annotation. Dify enables continuous improvement and operation, allowing users to review the reasoning process of AI-powered apps, annotate data, and check logs visually. It provides native support for dialogue and text generation applications, which are open-sourced on GitHub. The platform is designed to fully utilize LLMOps and is compatible with the GPT family, Claude models, and LangChain, making it effortless for users to create AI applications.