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Design Ducky

Assists in the creation of system diagrams.


Design Ducky is an AI tool that functions as a virtual assistant for system design and diagramming. It is a website built with create-react-app and requires JavaScript for optimal performance. By integrating GPT3 and GPT4 models, Design Ducky offers users an exceptional experience. The GPT4 model, in particular, excels in system design and diagramming, making it the recommended choice for users. Upon logging in, users are greeted by Design Ducky, the AI assistant, who assists in creating and updating diagrams based on user input. Whether you are a Frontend, Backend, or Database developer, Design Ducky can be utilized to build any or all of these components. The chat interface allows for seamless interaction with Design Ducky, while the diagram on the right side of the screen dynamically updates in real-time during conversations. The Design Ducky team is dedicated to continuously improving and enhancing the tool, with plans to make it available for use in 2023. Overall, Design Ducky shows great promise in simplifying system design and diagramming for developers, especially those working on intricate projects.