
Produces high-resolution images based on given prompts.


DeepFloyd IF is a modular neural network that uses a cascaded approach to generate high-resolution images. It consists of multiple neural modules that work together to produce impressive results. The base model creates low-resolution samples, which are then enhanced by upscale models to create stunning high-resolution images. Both the base and super-resolution models utilize diffusion models, which introduce random noise into the data before generating new samples. Unlike other models, DeepFloyd IF operates within the pixel space rather than latent diffusion. It has achieved impressive results, including a state-of-the-art zero-shot FID score and deep text understanding. This is achieved by incorporating a large language model, T5-XXL, as a text encoder. The tool allows for the fusion of different texts, styles, textures, and spatial relations. Image-to-image translation is achieved by resizing the original image, adding noise through forward diffusion, and denoising the image during the backward diffusion process. This approach offers endless possibilities for adjusting the style, patterns, and details of the output while maintaining the essence of the source image. DeepFloyd IF specializes in text-to-image generation and can be used to embroider text on fabric, incorporate it into stained-glass windows, create collages, or illuminate it on neon signs. It can be creatively applied to various use cases to add a unique and creative touch to the final result.