Home Data tools DataSquirrel


Obtaining insights through data cleaning and visualization.


DataSquirrel.ai is a data analytics tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to automate the processes of data cleaning and visualization. This tool allows users to quickly transform raw data into actionable insights without the need for complex formulas, macros, or coding. Users can easily upload Excel, CSV, or Google Sheet data files, which are then automatically cleaned for inconsistencies by DataSquirrel's AI system. Additionally, the tool provides auto-analysis and customizable interactive dashboards and reports, enabling users to create comprehensive reports and dashboards within minutes.

DataSquirrel saves users valuable time and reduces stress by eliminating the need for manual data cleaning processes. It automatically corrects input errors, removes empty rows, fixes typos, and standardizes different date formats. Furthermore, DataSquirrel generates visually appealing graphics that effectively convey the story behind the data. The platform is fully compliant with GDPR/PDPA regulations and offers secure data processing, default anonymization, and easy collaboration features such as visual sharing, commenting, and annotation capabilities.

Users have the ability to create different reports tailored to specific audiences, including relevant charts, key performance indicators (KPIs), or tabular data. These reports can be shared as interactive dashboards, presentations, or PDFs. DataSquirrel is applicable across various industries, including B2B eCommerce, HR, financial accounting, and survey data analysis. With its user-friendly interface and guided data processing, DataSquirrel aims to empower users to make informed decisions more efficiently and view data as both exciting and valuable.