
The smart engine discovers and categorizes music.

OVERVIEW is a music search and tagging engine that utilizes artificial intelligence to assist users in maximizing the value of their music collections. By analyzing millions of songs, Cyanite's AI can categorize them within minutes, allowing users to easily find the right music for any purpose. Compared to manual tagging, Cyanite's services offer a 60x faster tagging speed and a 99.4% reduction in cost. With the Similarity Search feature, users can locate songs in their catalogs that have a similar sound and feel to a reference track. Cyanite AI compares numerous acoustic features to identify perfect matches. The Keyword Search feature applies a dictionary of 1,500 keywords to the user's catalog, enabling them to filter, combine, and prioritize these keywords to find the best matches for sync briefs, sound branding projects, and other purposes. Cyanite also provides personalized song recommendations that take into account both sound factors and personal preferences. Their data-driven graphical interfaces allow listeners to easily compare songs, and the Keyword Cleaning feature detects and removes odd keyword combinations and tagging errors to enhance the catalog's searchability. Furthermore, Cyanite is highly customizable and can be adapted to various use cases and scenarios. Users can sign up for free to experience the power of Cyanite firsthand.