Distinguishing between text written by humans and text generated by machines.
The AI Content Detector, developed by Crossplag, is a tool that determines if a text has been generated by an AI system. It utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms and ChatGPT detection technology to identify patterns and characteristics of AI-generated and human-written content. The tool provides an accurate rating score bar to assess the authenticity of the text. For optimal results, it is recommended to have a text of at least 200 characters, as larger volumes of text lead to improved performance. The AI Content Detector is valuable for maintaining academic integrity and enhancing the quality and relevance of online content. It is offered for free and does not retain any data during the analysis process. Currently, the AI detector only supports English, but Crossplag plans to include more languages in the future. The AI Detector provides an estimation of the likelihood that a text was written by an AI system or a human, with the percentage indicating whether the content is genuine or AI-generated.