Home Data tools Coactive


Extract valuable information from visual data.


Coactive is an AI tool designed to extract valuable insights from unstructured image and video data. It effectively tackles the challenges associated with unstructured data by efficiently processing large visual datasets. What sets Coactive apart is its ability to organize image and video data, making it highly useful for machine learning and data analysis purposes. With Coactive, analysts can easily search visual content using keywords, refine taxonomy, and gain important insights into visual data trends. The tool's Multimodal Search and Visual Analytics capabilities enable analysts to identify patterns and unlock valuable insights within extensive datasets. Coactive's user-friendly UI SDK allows users to convert visual data insights into actionable steps. The tool is easily accessible through an API and Python SDKs, allowing users to constantly understand and monitor visual data. Coactive empowers machine learning by addressing the challenges of lacking metadata, technical expertise, large volumes, and domain-specificity of visual data, thereby enabling data-driven businesses to thrive. It is particularly suitable for companies that generate a significant amount of image and video data and seek to access valuable insights.