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ChatLit Codes

Produce text that resembles human language using models that have been trained in advance.


The GPT API Companion is a Google Chrome extension that grants users access to the GPT API, a powerful tool for processing natural language. This tool allows users to input text and receive generated text output from the GPT API model, which has been trained on a vast amount of text. The extension includes features for saving and managing GPT API tokens through a dashboard. Additionally, the GPT API Companion chat feature enables users to interact directly with the API and receive real-time text output. Users have the option to choose between the GPT 3.5 or GPT 4 models, each offering different levels of natural language generation capabilities. This extension is particularly beneficial for writers, content creators, and developers who require large quantities of high-quality text for their work. Overall, the GPT API Companion offers a convenient and efficient means of accessing the natural language processing capabilities of the GPT API. Its user-friendly interface and ability to generate real-time text output make it an invaluable tool for enhancing one's natural language processing abilities.