
Utilize Q&A chat to effectively handle digital documents.


ChatDox is an AI-powered tool that simplifies document interaction for users. It allows users to import any type of document and receive instant answers to their questions within seconds. ChatDox supports various document formats such as PDF, DOCX, TXT, and CSV, and provides a user-friendly interface for easy document management. One of its key features is Support Chat GPT 3.5 & 4, which ensures accurate and efficient answers. Chat GPT 4 also enhances language processing capabilities for precise results. Another important feature is the digital library, which enables document storage and organization in one place, making it easy for users to retrieve and manage their documents effectively. ChatDox supports multiple languages, making it convenient for users to understand documents in different languages. Additionally, the software allows for simultaneous questioning of a group of documents, taking document analysis to the next level. ChatDox offers pricing plans tailored for individuals, students, businesses, and scholars. It also provides a free trial that allows users to ask up to five questions without the need to register their credit card information. Overall, ChatDox is a powerful and user-friendly document management solution that saves time, improves efficiency, and provides accurate answers to users' queries.