Home Chatbots Chat Thing

Chat Thing

Create chatbots effortlessly using data sources.


Chat Thing is an AI chatbot tool that makes it easy for users to create chatbots using data from different sources like Notion, Google Docs, and websites. It uses ChatGPT, an AI language model that can generate responses similar to those of humans. With Chat Thing, users can train their chatbots using specific data related to their business or industry, making them more personalized and efficient. The tool provides demo bots, including an HR bot trained on a company manual and a Harry Potter bot trained on the Harry Potter Wikipedia entry. The website also mentions an API docs bot and a knowledge base bot trained on a help center's knowledge base. Chat Thing is designed to be compatible with various data sources, and the website mentions that more sources will be added in the future. Currently in development, users can join the waitlist to receive notifications when it becomes available. Overall, Chat Thing is a promising tool for businesses and individuals who want to create customized and effective chatbots without requiring programming skills or extensive knowledge of AI.