Home Chatbots Chat Matt Rickard

Chat Matt Rickard

A chatbot that is able to have engaging conversations.


AIM (AI Instant Messenger) is a chat tool that enables users to have conversations with an AI chatbot called SmartestChild. This chatbot is powered by a Large Language Model (LLM) known as Vicuna-13B, which is developed by LMSysModel, an organization dedicated to creating accurate and extensive language models. The tool utilizes Apache TVM and MLC Relax Runtime for its functionality and operates entirely within the browser using WebGPU, resulting in faster and more efficient processing. As no data is transmitted to the server, conversations are stored locally. The chatbot responds to users using lowercase text, frequent emojis, and internet abbreviations commonly used in the 2000s. Users have the ability to create, save, and edit conversations according to their preferences. However, it is important to note that certain features may not be available if the user does not possess a supported GPU or is not utilizing Desktop Google Chrome version 113 or higher. AIM is an open-source project developed by r2d4/react-llm. This tool offers an interactive and enjoyable means of communicating with an AI chatbot, while also showcasing the capabilities of large language models in understanding and generating human-like language.