Chat EQ

An app that provides coaching for conflicts and communication.


Introducing Chat EQ (beta), an application designed to help individuals enhance their conflict management skills and improve communication in both personal and professional settings. Developed based on research and user feedback, Chat EQ guides users through sharing their own stories and providing feedback on conversation samples. Along the way, the app collects analytics to aid researchers in their quest to improve society. It is important to note that the app does not request any personally identifiable information and encourages users to refrain from providing such information to protect their privacy. The privacy policy ensures that user stories are stored and aggregated to enhance the app, while maintaining anonymity when providing analytics publicly. The release highlights the impact of the remote work trend on company culture and the lack of support for conflict management. In 2021, conflicts among employees of US-based companies resulted in a loss of approximately $359 billion in productivity, with 60% of employees lacking conflict management training. Chat EQ offers a scalable solution that provides real-time, research-based assistance to improve outcomes. The release also acknowledges the increasing demand for conflict resolution support in areas with a shortage of mental health professionals, as well as the global rise in domestic violence cases during the pandemic. It is important to note that Chat EQ is intended to complement professional services and should not be used as a substitute. The website includes terms of use that emphasize responsible usage and prohibit any illegal activities or harm towards others.